These words where used in the Ceremony

We are gathered here in the sight of God and these witnesses to join Tom & Diana as they make their vows of marriage. We celebrate with them the love they have discovered and support their decision to commit themselves to one another for the rest of their lives.

I call to your attention the seriousness of this decision you are about to make and this covenant you are about to declare before God and these witnesses.

Be very clear that your marriage is dependant upon your willingness to be faithful to one another. Unfaithfulness in either is a betrayal of your covenant. The future is unknown to any of us, yet your love and trust for one another will make possible this act of faith you now make in our midst.

This covenant of marriage is one that can be entered into only by those who are legally and spiritually free.

Tom, do you come of your own free will and with a conscious desire to be united with Diana? Yes, I do

Diana, do you come of your own free will and with a conscious desire to be united with Diana? Yes, I do

Love is patient and kind. It is not jealous or boastful. It is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way. It doe snot rejoice in the wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things, love never ends. As a reminder to you both the wedding commitment is among the serious of all commitments. Marriage should not be taken lightly or without reflection on all implications involved.

Having considered this martial covenant you are about to declare, before God and this company, your pledge of faithfulness to one another.

I Tom, take you Diana to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to Love and to Cherish, from this day forward.

I Diana, take you Tom to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to Love and to Cherish, from this day forward.

These rings are without a beginning and there is not point of weakness. The circle is a reminder of the eternal quality and unending strength. They serve as a reminder of the relationship with which you have with one another.

I Tom, give you this ring as a symbol of my love, friendship, loyalty and trust. With this ring I pledge my life and love to you.

I Diana, give you this ring as a symbol of my love, friendship, loyalty and trust. With this ring I pledge my life and love to you.

May your marriage bring you all the exquisite excitement a marriage should bring and may life grant you patience, tolerance and understanding. May you always need one another, not so much as to fill your emptiness but as to know your fullness. May you succeed in all important ways and not fail in the little graces. May you look for things to praise ad often say "I Love You" and take no notice of small faults.

If you have quarrels that push you apart, may you both hope to have good sense enough to take---the first step back.

May you enter into the mystery, which is the awareness of one another's presence. No more physical that spiritual. Warm and near when you are side by side and warm and near when you are in separate rooms or in distant cities.

May you have happiness and may you find it magician one another happy. May you have love and may you find it loving one another.

Now that you have agreed to join in this loving partnership of marriage ad have pledged yourselves to one another, by the joining of hands, the pledging of the vows and giving and receiving of a ring, you have become husband and wife.

Therefore by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife and you may seal that promise with a kiss.
